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2023 OCB Pro Yorton Cup

The OCB Pro Yorton Cup is always a big deal. This year was even more special. For the first time ever, it included the Women’s Wellness Bodybuilding category. This addition to the 2023 OCB Yorton Cup brought women from all over the country to Charlotte North Carolina.

OCB Yorton cup, class D, female bodybuilders , wellness

This is indeed the biggest yearly bodybuilding competition the OCB has. The wellness division had 4 classes of 7 competitors. Because this was the first time the bodybuilding category was offered at the event, anyone with an OCB Pro card was allowed to compete.

Each class was given a first, second, third, and forth place winner. From those first place winners, a new class is formed. These top 4 will then compete against each other for Overall winner. It was an impressive lineup to say the least. The OCB Pro Yorton Cup championships guaranteed cash awards of $5,000 for first place, $3,000 for second, and $1,000 for third to the overall winners.

OCB Yorton cup, glute flex, women bodybuilding

There were a lot of familiar faces on stage. It was great to see Hollie Chapman (#151) return to the stage after 2 years. Hollie earned her pro card 2 years ago after winning an OCB Amateur Bikini Competition. While she was unable to place in Wellness this go around, it was clear she was a crowd favorite. We expect to see more of Chapman on stage as a pro again in 2024.

Hollie Chapman, bicep flex, pro female bodybuilder

The overall winner of the OCB Pro Yorton Cup Women’s Wellness division was Constance (#124). Her Instagram page @Fitmisscoco showed her emotional response to becoming the first ever Yorton Cup Wellness winner. Even before the the results were in it was clear Constance would be if the final 3 overall. There was even less shock that she took home the Yorton Cup as Champion. We look forward to seeing her at future competitions and wonder if she will be moving up in categories in the future.

constance, @fitmisscoco, yorton cup, 2023 winner,

constance, @fitmisscoco, yorton cup, 2023 winner,

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